Connect to services with PDX 311


The PDX 311 program is an initiative by the City of Portland to connect residents to city and county services.

Read more about this easy-to-use Tool.


PDX 311 is a tool for those living in Portland and Multnomah County to quickly access government services. Call 311 when you have a question or have a need from local government within the county.

Start with 311 when you have…

  • Questions about anything from recreational programs to how to pay for a parking ticket

  • Requests about anything from getting a permit to help with a fender bender

  • Reports about anything from obstructed roads to leaky hydrants


Phone: 3-1-1 or (503) 823-4000 within Multnomah County


PDX 311 staff can be reached Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., excluding federal holidays, by phone or email.

Staff is fluent in English, Spanish, Romanian, and Tagalog and has resources to assist community members in additional languages. 

PDX 311 is not a substitution for 911. During emergencies, please call 911. If you need social services, call 211.